Pearlescent decorative varnish.
Field of application: decorating varnish designed to provide a pearl effect, aged metal and other effects on decorated and painted surfaces. For interior work.
Features: has mild specific odour, can be tinted with pigment pastes.
Surface preparation: surfaces must be primed with decoration primer-varnish PRO.DEKOR or 1st class paint, e.g: PRO CELOSILK, STIKLOCERAMIC, CELOMAT, SUPERMAT or PREMIUM 7.
Working conditions: the base and ambient temperature during work and drying must be at least +8°C; optimum conditions are at +20°C and 65% RH. Avoid direct sunlight and strong draughts.
Use: mix the varnish well before use, apply using a brush, trowel, roller or sponge. Decorating a painted surface, it is recommended to dilute the decorative varnish up to 25% with water for the first layer and apply it with a roller, for the second layer do not dilute it, apply the varnish and shape it with a trowel. The intensity of the pearl effect depends on the thickness of the applied varnish layer.
Consumption: ~ 4-33 m²/l depending on the desired intensity of the pearl effect.
Drying time: at +20°C temperature and 65% relative air humidity: ~ 4-48 hours.
Cleaning of tools: wash the tools with water immediately after use.
Storage and carriage conditions: at least + 5ºC and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from direct sunlight and freezing!
Environmental and work safety: do not pour into drains, water reservoirs or soil. Avoid breathing vapor/aerosol. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory protective equipment. If swallowed, immediately call a poison control center or doctor. Keep away from children.
Volatile organic compounds: 1.1.5e) VOC threshold limit – 130g/l. The maximum in ready-to-use product is no more than 129,95g/l.
Duration of validity: 18 months after the manufacture date. See package. In case of any questions, contact the specified phone number.

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