Universal, ready-to-use
water-acrylic dispersion base glue
for interior work.
Field of application: polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and similar insulating materials (e.g. heat-reflective screens), decorative details and finishing elements (skirting boards, edgings, finishing panels, paneling, thresholds) made of wood, wood fiber, wood chips, OSB panels, glass for gluing fiber, polystyrene foam to various building structures - plastered, plasterboard, brickwork, concrete, wood, chipboard, OSB panels, etc. surface. Adhesives can be used to seal cracks, cracks and joints.
Properties: ready to use, mild, specific smell, elastic, good adhesion to the surface.
Surface preparation: The substrate must be clean, dry and firm. Clean off grease, oil, dust, loose particles, old sealant residue. Prime mineral surfaces that absorb moisture strongly with PRO PENETRATING, CONsolidating primer.
Working conditions: the substrate and ambient temperature during work and drying must not be lower than +5°C and not higher than +30C, the optimal working conditions are at a temperature of +20°C and 65% relative air humidity.
Gluing: Apply glue to the surfaces to be glued in dots, straight or wavy lines. Press and hold the part to be glued until it sticks.
Drying time: at a temperature of +20°C and a relative humidity of 65%, fully hardens within 24 hours.
Cleaning tools: Rinse with water immediately after work.
Storage and transport conditions: at a temperature not lower than +5°C and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from direct sunlight and freezing!
Technical data: density (relative weight) – 1.54 kg/l; content of non-volatile substances - >70%; resistance to peeling - 0.50N/mm²; color - white.
Environmental and occupational safety: Do not pour into drains, watercourses or soil. Avoid breathing vapor/aerosol. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, use suitable respiratory protection. If swallowed, call a poison control and information office or seek medical attention immediately. Keep out of reach of children.

Gaminame aukščiausios kokybės produktus: dažus, glaistus, gruntus, tinkus, klijus, lakus, sandariklius, dekoravimo medžiagas, aliejus ir impregnantus medienai - viską, ko reikia Jūsų namų remontui nuo grindų iki lubų.
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