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Water-dilutable, two-component
polyurethane varnish for work
inside buildings.
Field of application: for varnishing parquet, wooden floors, stairs, countertops, window sills and other intensively used wooden surfaces inside buildings.
Properties: specific odor, high resistance to wear.
Surface preparation: the surface must be dry, clean, free of grease stains. The relative humidity of the wood must not exceed 10%. Before varnishing, it is recommended to prime new, previously unvarnished wood, with one coat of primer PRO.PARKET (wood that tends to turn red or dark is recommended to prime with nitro primer, which prevents color changes). After the primer has dried, it is recommended to sand the primed surface using no. 150-200 scrub grid. Sand the previously varnished surface to a matte finish and remove dust.
Working conditions: the base and ambient temperature during work and drying must be at least +8°C; optimum conditions are +20°C and 65% RH. Avoid direct sunlight and strong draft.
Use: Stir or shake the varnish and hardener well before use. The varnish thus prepared is mixed with hardener in a ratio of 9: 1 and thoroughly for 1-2 minutes stir or shake to an even, homogeneous mass. After 5 - 10min. refresh the varnish (the strainer is supplied with the varnish) - the varnish is ready for varnishing. The mixed mixture at ambient temperature +20°C must be used within 5 hours. It is recommended to apply 3 - 4 coats without primer, 2 - 3 coats should be applied using primer. Varnish with a varnish brush, roller or sprayer. After each layer of varnish has dried, it is recommended to lightly sand the varnished surface using scrubbing mesh No. 150-200.
Consumption: 5 - 7 m²/ l (varnishing in 2 coats).
Drying time: at +20°C and relative air humidity 65%: 3-4 hours - first layer, 4 - 5 hours - second layer, 5 - 6 hours - third layer and 6 - 8 hours - the fourth layer. You can walk after 10 hours from the last coat of varnish.
Cleaning of tools: wash the tools with water immediately after use.
Storage and carriage conditions: at least + 5ºC and not higher than +30°C in a tightly closed container. Protect from direct sunlight and freezing!
Environmental and work safety: do not pour paint into drains, water reservoirs or soil. Avoid breathing vapor/aerosol. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory protective equipment. If swallowed, immediately call a poison control center or doctor. Keep away from children.
The volatile organic compounds: 1.1.10j) limit value 140g/l. The maximum in ready to use product no more than 139,95g/l.
Duration of validity: 18 months after manufacture date. See package.
In case of any questions, contact the specified phone numbers.
Field of application: use as indicated in the description of PRO.PARKET 2K.
Environmental and work safety: Irritant. May cause sensitization by skin contact. Harmful if inhaled. May cause respiratory irritation. Avoid breathing. Wear protective gloves. Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Avoid release to the environment.
If inhaled: remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Call a doctor, if you feel unwell.
In case of contact skin: wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical attention if skin reaction occurs.
In case of contact eyes: lift eyelids and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water for at least 10 minutes. Seek medical advice.
In case of ingestion: DO NOT induce vomiting, seek medical advice. Store in a dry and well ventilated place, not lower than + 5ºC and not higher than + 30ºC. Protect from direct sunlight and frost. Dispose of contents / container to an approved hazardous waste disposal site.
For professional use only.

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